Kate and Matthew

Saturday, May 24, 2025 • Cleveland, OH
71 Days To Go!

Kate and Matthew

Saturday, May 24, 2025 • Cleveland, OH
71 Days To Go!

Our Story


On our second date!

March 29, 2022

On our second date!
Officially boyfriend and girlfriend  <3

May 07, 2022

Officially boyfriend and girlfriend <3
The first of many instagram posts of us.

September 04, 2022

The first of many instagram posts of us.
Our first Christmas

December 25, 2022

Our first Christmas
Our first Valentine's day

February 14, 2023

Our first Valentine's day
The cutest wedding date :)

June 10, 2023

The cutest wedding date :)
Pictured Rocks, Upper Peninsula

August 10, 2023

Pictured Rocks, Upper Peninsula
Another great wedding date!

November 18, 2023

Another great wedding date!
2 years of dating

March 23, 2024

2 years of dating

April 08, 2024


Our Story

As told by Kate & Matt


I was much later to this party than Kate was. It wasn’t until we were at a game night with a mutual friend and she smiled at me that I realized Kate was different. What was a two second smile to everyone else, to me was the moment I first truly saw the beautiful woman standing in front of me. I spent a lot of my waking time thinking about her smile. Not long after, before we even started dating, Kate recommended the movie “Gaslight,” and she came over for an impromptu movie night where we got food at the local bar and watched the movie. After the movie, we started chatting and joking around until we realized it was 4am.

Since then I have come to know Kate better and I have come to see her in high moments and low moments. I have come to respect her strength when things are hard and appreciate her joy when things are easy. I have learned what it means to be completely seen and what it means to have someone I trust intrinsically by my side. There is no one I’d rather spend the rest of my life with than someone as courageous, intelligent, beautiful, hilarious, and compassionate as Kate. Kate, I love you.


Our story is full of joy and very specific, fun moments that are almost too numerous to list here. When Matt walked into church in 2021, I said to myself “Who is that?” I’m so grateful that I know who he is now. After being friends in groups that played board games and Minecraft together, I started having a huge crush on him, but didn’t know what to do about it. With the help of some friends along the way, I finally felt comfortable enough to get closer to Matt and know him better. We had so many fun conversations together, and I specifically remember that before we were dating, on New Year’s Eve 2022, we were chatting and playing Minecraft, just the two of us. He made me feel like I was the most important person to him at that moment, and he continues to do that every single day.

When we finally started dating, Matt consistently reminded me of my value through his words and actions. I knew that I loved him early on, but I came to realize that I couldn’t wait to keep loving him for the rest of my life. He has the biggest heart for people and God’s creation, and he sees things that other people miss. He is extremely patient, caring, gentle, hilarious, and wise. The world is a better place because Matt is in it, and I’m so happy that I get to be next to him to take it all in. I love you, Matt.